Heather and Bill had several phone meetings with various arts leaders across the state including Dennis Doyle, Jack Mitchell, and Bob Bullwinkel. They also met with the principals at Hoopa Valley and Trinity Valley elementary schools as well as Winship Middle School. Planning for attendance at several conventions is being discussed. Professional development for the spring is being brainstormed.
This week has been filled with networking opportunities.
Heather and Bill had several phone meetings with various arts leaders across the state including Dennis Doyle, Jack Mitchell, and Bob Bullwinkel. They also met with the principals at Hoopa Valley and Trinity Valley elementary schools as well as Winship Middle School. Planning for attendance at several conventions is being discussed. Professional development for the spring is being brainstormed.
Humboldt State University will be the location for today's leadership meeting. Agenda topics include sharing information gathered from Bill's trip to the Bay Area and assessment questions to be posed to the HSU scholars.
Bill drove to San Francisco to meet with Dennis Doyle of CoTA and then to Oakland to meet with Art Is Education faculty including Julia Marshall, Louise Music, Chip McNeal and Mariah Landers. Information gathered will be shared at the 12/15/14 leadership meeting.
Prepared and practiced presentation for site principals. Will be visiting Jan Schmidt at Zane Middle School today at 2pm.
Had a conference call today with Richard Cress and other members of the evaluation team in Washington, DC. Conversation centered on K-2 assessment data and the appropriate tools we can use to compare with non-treatment schools.
Sent introduction to Jackie White (Twin Rivers Unified) regarding potential visit and request for teacher professional development resources.
Sent introduction to Dennis Doyle (Collaborations: Teachers and Artists) regarding possible Integrated Learning training. Phone call with Mariah Landers at Art is Education to discuss possible Integrated Learning Specialist Training by their experts in Alameda, CA. Discussed various models and costs. Considering providing our teaching with Course A which is a 30 hour training during the first year of the grant. Possible expansion into Courses B, C and D over future years. Their two trainers can comfortably train up to about 30 teachers at a time.
Over 1500 Humboldt county students attended the Schools to Dance event at the Arkley Center today. Dancers from the Nutcracker ballet visited classrooms earlier and today was the culminating performance and lesson for the students. Bill attended along with Jack Mitchell, Mary Rice and Kristin Sobilo (instructional coach from ECS)
Stacy Young, regional arts curriculum specialist at HCOE sent us this list of links:
One of my fave resources from Kennedy Center: http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/educators.aspx V Art lesson plans: http://artspiration.sccoe.org/ Standards: http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/ CCSS & Arts http://www.incredibleart.org/links/toolbox/commoncore.html http://www.edutopia.org/stw-arts-integration-resources-lesson-plans#graph2 http://www.crayola.com/for-educators/ccac-landing/free-professional-resources/ccac-resources.aspx Fresno: http://teacharts.org/ Alameda: http://www.artiseducation.org/ San Diego: http://www.artsempowersd.org/ CCSESA: http://www.ccsesaarts.org/content/home.asp CCSESA Arts lessons: http://www.ccsesaarts.org/content/assessmentcompendium.asp Bill Funkhouser, Stacy Young, Anne Bown Crawford, Jack Mitchell and Mary Rice visited Hoopa Valley Elementary School for classroom visitations, Native American dance performance and Arts Integration workshop by Sandy Seufert.
Bill Funkhouser, Heather Gaiera, Anne Bown Crawford (Arcata Arts Institute director) and Stacy Young (Humboldt County Office of Education arts specialist) met with Jack Mitchell (CDE Consultant for Art, Media and Entertainment) and Mary Rice (CDE Elementary Arts and K-12 World Languages)
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