Shadow puppets-
Having students create and perform shadow puppet performances involves integration of many standards including but not limited to
Lesson planThis is the complete lesson plan with example standards from CCSS and the CA Visual and Performing Arts Framework.
RubricExample rubric for assessing shadow puppet projects. Download a copy and revise to suit your needs.
Environment scriptA script resource for writing about environments & ecosystems
SlideshowThis is a Google Slides presentation useful for introducing the project.
Kennedy Center LessonThe Kennedy Center has a great shadow puppet lesson on their site.
Reflection formStudents reflect on their understandings and process.
Script writingWhile shadow puppets can be used to retell existing stories, having students write their own scripts engages writing standards.
Dramatic StructureScript writing can use Freytag's Pyramid structure to develop the plot especially when shadow puppets use a narrative and not expository script.
This video describes our first year of teaching shadow puppets with the North Coast Arts Integration Project (2018)