Students in Mr. Matilton's class were given a choice to write about their understanding of a chapter in the book they were studying or act out their understanding using the theater technique called a "tableau" which is short for "tableau vivant" or "living picture". The term, borrowed from the French language, describes a group of actors, carefully posed. Throughout the duration of the display, the people shown do not speak or move. The approach thus marries the art forms of the stage with those of painting or photography. After each performance, Mr. Maitilton had the students clarify the scene and the significance it had in the story.
Students at Grant and Washington Elementary schools are creating shadow puppets as a way to demonstrate their understanding the flora and fauna of different eco-systems. A public show of the Washington students will happen in May at the Sequoia Park Zoo.
Did you see the video comparing modern surgery to Roman surgery in the Roman Extravaganza production? A lot of work went into that from designing and building the legs to storyboarding and editing the green screen video.
Students in Mr. Bird's class have created mono-prints using imagery depicting the research they did on the names of the months in the Julian calendar as part of the Roman Extravaganza.
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