Art Cards, or postcard sized images of artwork, are a resource that teachers can build year over year. Participants in the Create Humboldt and Arts & Creativity Initiative start with the ArtBox cards and often add their own cards as they visit museums.
IcebreakerAsking students to share with each other which image they are drawn to is a great way to begin the process of responding to art forms.
Notice/WonderNoticing is taking the time to see details and things which "catch our eye". Wondering is posing questions that come from curiosity.
Curate A ShowCurators of galleries often select images based on a theme. If we see a collection of images that are "in the show", and "not in the show", can we deduce what the theme of the show is?
Compare/ContrastStudents view two images, analyze the similarities differences using a Venn diagram and write about their findings using appropriate phrases.
Venn Diagram GameAfter students understand the concept of a Venn diagram, they design their own example with three images.
Beginning/Middle/EndArt Cards work well for narrative writing and this lesson is one way for students to focus on sequencing.