2021 ACI Summer Institute
Selected Portions of the Institute
Best Teaching Practices
- Participants can access the Acting Right module at focus5online.com
- Introduction video
- SEL/Responding to Student Art video
- 2021-22 Expectations video
- Jerusalema dance challenge explained
- Jerusalema dance tutorial
- CASEL-What is Social and Emotional Learning?
- ABBA Flash Mob: Here We Go Again
- Jerusalema Cover (steel drum/saxophone)
- 1-minute of quiet piano music (used for spiral exercise)
- Jon Batiste Freedom
- Michael Franti-I Got You
- Jimmy Fallon and Hamilton cast-Helpless
- Caro Emerald-Stuck
- Playing For Change-La Bamba
- Dee Gee's You Should Be Dancing
- 2021-22 ACI Tasks, Trainings and Reflections
- SEL Skills Poster
- Making Thinking Visible: 9 Ways of Thinking
- Planning Reading Art Across the Curriculum lessons
- Creativity Skills
Best Teaching Practices